Neuro Linguistic Programming

NLP is in simple terms, the Science of how we run our minds and do behaviours and the Art of tweaking these so that they serve you well.
- Neuro - stands for our Neurology, the skin we live in and our senses. Sight sound, smell taste and touch as they all mean very different things to each and every one of us.
- Linguistic - refers to our communication
- Programming - is the way this all hangs together to create our experience of life.
What are the benefits of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy®?
- It’s Fast
- Very Effective
- And long fact on Breakthrough sessions Victoria Guarantees results.
- Time Line Therapy® is not as Well known as NLP as there are fewer Accredited and registered official practitioners of this therapy. Due to the regulation and high standards the TLTA set.

How would you know NLP is the option for you
Breakthrough sessions and one to one work are highly effective in the following areas
Are you doing or do you know anyone who could benefit in the following areas...
Confidence Ideal Weight
Anger management
Coaching Performance enhancement (any area)
Self Esteem
Overall Well being
Children and Trauma Children
Weight issues – either under weight or Over weight
Addictions (sex, alcohol, drugs both prescription and recreational)
Skin Problems
Back Problems
Abusive relationships
Physiological health Problem Pain
Who will benefit from Hypnotherapy NLP and Time Line therapy ™

How is NLP Different to other therapies such as Psychotherapy and Counselling?
Unlike most traditional approaches which tend to work around the problem over time. NLP is different, Using NLP Victoria discovers the system of thinking that caused the problem, and the including the problem behaviour and then this is released usually with Time Line Therapy ® So the problem can the no longer exist, and you create new choices and more fulfilling behaviours. Victoria says, " If someone has experienced Trauma, stress, or an intense emotional event once then this is once too often. So instead of reliving the event we release the emotions with Time Line Therapy ® without having to "experience" them again..."
NLP and CBT in our experience are both effective as both can be worked with to successfully change behaviour and get the result we want, though NLP actually allows you to release the cause of the problem behavior rather than working around it.
What is a Breakthrough session?
A breakthrough session is a one day intensive coaching session where, after the completion of some prior tasking ,the Process is a complete transformation of an area of your life – any area, which creates significantly more flow and opens up many many new options and choices
During the session Victoria will work with NLP techniques initially through questioning and then work with Time Line Therapy ™ in addition to several advanced NLP practices to ensure the problem has disappeared
For more information give Victoria a call – she is always happy to explain!
How does this all happen?
- Free telephone consultation before you meet here at The Falmouth Natural Health Practice in Falmouth, where the magic commences. To inquire or to make an appointment call on.. 01326 210 202
- Or call Victoria Direct for a no obligation consultation on 077 99 33 43 92 or the office on 01736 787 679
What if you do?
Imagine the problem with health, wealth or simple happiness that has been plaguing you for some time. Patterns you have been repeating begin to fall away and you are elevated to a new level of wellbeing, and every area of your life improves too... just imagine for a moment what would it be like if your problem wasn't there? Or if you are without a problem, Imagine how far you would like to go, what you would like to improve or achieve... the first step is the phone call the next step... the possibilities are endless...
"I went to see Victoria after a very low point in my life. I felt like I couldn't control or influence any aspect of my life and that I was spiralling to a bad place. I was sceptical before hand as I hd seen "Therapists" with no success, however after my first NLP breakthrough session I felt like a big weight had been lifted from my shoulders and over the course of a few weeks came out of my shell and took control of my life for the first time ever. The amazing thing is that since completing the programme my life at work and home has changed so much and I now firmly believe that whatever I set my mind to WILL happen because I can make it happen"
E Mail and visit her website or find her on facebook
Please telephone 01326 210202 to book an appointment